トップページはウォード灰汁発酵建藍染の苧麻の布と糸, Ramie on top page dyed by Woad vat


▽surface of woad vat after stirring, it changes to indigo by oxidising.


cotton yarn took out from vat


Change to indigo colour slowly


left: 2 cotton yarn dyed by couched woad vat,

center: 1 cotton yarn and fabric by couched woad vat mixed with 5% Indian indigo

right: 1 cotton yarn and fabric by couched woad vat mixed with 10% indian indigo




left:2 cotton yarn dyed with woad vat,                                                          centre:1 cotton yarn dyed with woad+indigo cake vat,                                   right:2 cotton yarn dyed with Sukumo vat, each is different shades of colour.