Oral presentation “Wool dyeing with fermenting vat using 4 kinds of indigo dyes” in the 15th meeting of Natural Dyes and Pigments Conference, UTSUNOMIYA University, Nov 18th 2018.
And, exhibited and explained posters and wool samples that had presented as one of collaborators in DHA 37, Lisbon, 25th-26th October 2018, those were my dyeing 40 pieces of 10 shades with my 4 kinds of vats, 50 pieces with 5 kinds of vats by other 2 persons and 1 group, totally 90 pieces of wool cloth samples.
1月 すくも藍100L建(蓼藍すくも藍、木灰、小麦麩、消石灰(原料:石灰岩、pH調整用)
January, making Sukumo(fermented dry leaves, Polygonum tincturum) 100L vat(Sukumo, lye of wood ash, wheat bran, a little slaked lime from limestone for controlling pH)
2月 琉球藍100L建(琉球藍ペースト、浸漬液、灰汁、小麦麩、消石灰(pH調整用)
February, making Ryukyu-ai(indigo paste, extracted and oxidised with slake lime, Strobilanthes cusia) 100L vat, (indigo paste, soaking solution, bran, lye with oak ash, a little slaked lime from limestone for controlling pH)
3月 インド藍靛建100L(インド藍靛、インドアイ乾燥葉ペースト、灰汁、小麦麩、消石灰(pH調整用)
March, making Indigo cakes(indigo cube, extracted and oxidised, Indigofera tinctoria) 100L vat, (indigo cakes, paste with dry Indigofera leaves, lye of oak ash, bran, a little slaked lime from limestone for controlling pH)
4月 ウォードすくも建50L(ウォードすくも、ウォードすくもの10%のインド藍靛、灰汁、小麦麩、消石灰(pH調整用)
April, Couched woad vat(fermented woad ball with Isatis tinctoria) 50L vat,(couched woad, indigo cakes(10% of couched woad), lye of oak ash, bran, a little slaked lime from limestone for controlling pH)
5月 それぞれの藍建液の染色性をあげる試み:発酵状態を観ながら、微生物の活性で低下したpHを徐々に上げ、綿糸、麻糸、羊毛原毛、羊毛糸各1kgを100Lの液で藍染、酸化を繰り返しながら2時間かけて藍染し、液の活性と染糸の濃度を比較した。
May, the trial for improving dye-affinity of each vat : looking fermentation state, gently increasing pH became down by microbe activity, then dyed each 1kg of cotton, linen, raw wool and wool yarn in each 100L vat for 2 hours dyeing and oxidising yarn and fibre, made a comparison with active of vat and colour value of dyed yarn.
△すくも藍 Sukumo
△すくも藍建 Sukumo-ai vat
△ウォードすくも Couched woad
△ ウォードすくも建 Couched woad vat
△琉球藍 Ryukyu-ai
△琉球藍建液 Ryukyu-ai vat
△インド藍靛 indigo cake
△インド藍靛建液 indigo cakes vat
其々1kgの綿糸、すくも藍、琉球藍、インド藍の各100L発酵建染、染色時間:各2時間、each 1kg of cotton yarn dyed with each 100L of Sukumo vat, Ryukyu-ai vat and indigo cake vat
1kg of French raw wool and yarn dyed with couched woad vat, indigo cake vat and others.
木綿布( 60cm×200cm/1枚)濃淡10段階で10枚、2組制作、すくも藍建ての藍甕270L
Cotton cloth(60cm×200cm/1sheet)、10 shades/10 sheets, made 2 sets by 270L of Sukumo vat
タデアイのすくも藍、琉球藍、ウォードスクモ、インド藍それぞれを小麦麩、灰汁、消石灰(pH管理用)で発酵建する。Growing 4 kinds of indigo vats : SUKUMO fermented dry leaves of Polygonum tinctorium, Ryukyu-Ai produced pigments with fresh leaves of Strobilanthes cusia, couched woad with Isatis tinctoria and Indian indigo with Indigofera tinctoria, with bran, lye of wood ash and slaked lime for controlling pH.
2017年10月13日 October 13th, 2017
4種類の藍甕でそれぞれ染めた羊毛 Wool dyed with four different indigo vats
2017年8月〜10月 August~October, 2017
羊毛染:ウォード+インド藍発酵液 Wool dyeing with woad-indigo vat
▽surface of woad vat after stirring, it changes to indigo by oxidising.
cotton yarn took out from vat
Change to indigo colour slowly
left: 2 cotton yarn dyed by couched woad vat,
center: 1 cotton yarn and fabric by couched woad vat mixed with 5% Indian indigo
right: 1 cotton yarn and fabric by couched woad vat mixed with 10% indian indigo
left:2 cotton yarn dyed with woad vat, centre:1 cotton yarn dyed with woad+indigo cake vat, right:2 cotton yarn dyed with Sukumo vat, each is different shades of colour.